Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventuresā€”Halloween Special Cover A (Lawrence)
Quadrinho importado e em Ingles
(W - Escritor)Erik Burnham
(A - Arte)Sarah Myer
(CA - Arte da Capa)
Lancamento: 11 outubro, 2023
Expectativa para o envio: 11 novembro, 2023
Numero de Paginas: 48
Tipo de capa:
Sinopse: As Halloween approaches, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles must face their fears when a powerful and mysterious being challenges them to prove their mettle in a nightmarish test of bravery. Meanwhile, Shredder has an otherworldly encounter of his own when he summons an ancient spirit to gain a greater understanding of the powerful weapon he seeks to reforgeā€¦only to discover that some forces are beyond even his control. Donā€™t miss this double-sized, spooky special of Saturday Morning Adventures!