Image Comics
Quadrinho importado e em Ingles
(W - Escritor)Marguerite Bennett
(A - Arte)Giuseppe Cafaro, Arif Prianto
(CA - Arte da Capa)Giuseppe Cafaro, Arif Prianto
Lancamento: 12 março, 2025
Expectativa para o envio: 12 abril, 2025
Numero de Paginas: 32
Tipo de capa: SOFTCOVER
Sinopse: New York City Police Detective Sara Pezzinni, this generation’s bearer of the Witchblade, follows a series of leads not only procedural but supernatural that have brought her face to face with Jackie Estacado, the nascent bearer of The Darkness! Sara and Jackie clash in an explosive life-or-death battle where Sara must not only balance her duties as an officer but must also struggle against the will of the Witchblade itself. The fight that fans have been waiting for is here, and neither warrior will ever be the same.